Leadership Through Service

The Ability Experience is the philanthropic initiative of the Pi Kappa Phi fraternity that remains, to this day, an unparalleled success in the Greek community. Founded in 1977, we strive to instill a passion for lifelong service in our fraternity members while helping to empower people living with disabilities.

Ability Experience News Letter February 2023

Since the global pandemic, we have found ways to reconnect members of our chapter with our communities. Each spring members of the chapter coach and buddy up with the Miracle League of East Alabama, a softball league for people with physical and cognitive disabilities. Also, in 2022 Alpha Iota had its first Ability Experience summer event participant in over 12 years.

War of the Roses

Restarted in 2023, Pi Kappa Phi hosts a week-long sorority competition called War of the Roses. War of the Roses consists of events such as dunk tanks, dodgeball, social media competitions, and more to raise money and awareness for people with disabilities. In 2023, all 18 sororities participated and War of the Roses successfully raised over $90,600 for The Ability Experience.